1. Deposit history page


3.1) request body

name type necessary remark
pageNo int N default 1
pageSize int N default 20
type string Y INR/USDT

3.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

data description

name type remark
number int pageNo
size int pageSize
totalPages int total pages count
content list<T> list of article items

T description

name type remark
id string Order ID
created int created timestamp
modified int latest modified timestamp
countryId string country id: IN
message string error message for FAILED status
type string INR/USDT
quota float quota amount (will not response, you should calculator commission and amount)
commission float income amount
amount float deposit amount
cryptoAmount float deposit USDT amount, only for USDT
fiatAmount float fiatcurrency amount, only for USDT
rate float exchange rate, only for USDT
relativeId string tron TRC20 transaction hash, only for USDT, click it can link to hash link.
hashLink string tron TRC20 transaction hash link, only for USDT, do not show
payUser T only response for INR

payUser description

name type remark
name string beneficiary name
bankAccountNo int beneficiary bank account number
ifsc int beneficiary ifsc code

results matching ""

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