1. Withdraw tool list


1.1) request body

name type necessary remark

1.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

T description

name type remark
id string bank app id
name string tool name
icon string icon file name, if you want to show it, pls contact admin
enabled bool true for enabled, false for coming soon
sort int sort

2. Withdraw tool account list


2.1) request body

name type necessary remark

2.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

T description

name type remark
id string tool account id
collectionType string UPI/CARD, UPI for Upi, CARD for bank.
type string PHONEPE/PAYTM/...
phone string phone number
status string UNAUTHORIZED/AUTHORIZED, only for UPI tool
enabled bool true for enabled, false disabled
otpAuth bool true for otp auth already, false for not auth
smsAuth bool true for sms auth already, false for not auth
upiWithdrawTask UpiWithdrawTask UPI withdraw task detail info

UpiWithdrawTask description

name type remark
id string task id
startTime int task start time, duration = current time - start time
estimateTime int estimate time, unit: min
orderCount int assigned order count
successOrderCount int success order count. success rate = successOrderCount/orderCount. Notice: orderCount is 0, success rate is 0 too.
amount float the task amount
withdrawAmount float success withdraw amount. process bar=withdrawAmount/amount. Notice: amount is 0, process bar should be 0 too.

3. Withdraw: create tool account


3.1) request body

name type necessary remark
id string N needed for update
type string N PHONEPE/PAYTM/... optional, UPI need.
collectionType string Y UPI/CARD, UPI for Upi, CARD for bank.
phone string Y phone number
pin string N pin code, UPI type need it
name string N CARD type need it
bankAccountNo string N CARD type need it
ifsc string N CARD type need it

3.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

T description

name type remark
id string tool account id
collectionType string UPI/CARD, UPI for Upi, CARD for bank.
type string PHONEPE/PAYTM/...
phone string phone number
enabled bool true for enabled, false disabled
otpAuth bool true for otp auth already, false for not auth
smsAuth bool true for sms auth already, false for not auth

4. Withdraw: update tool account upiId


4.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y upi tool ID
upi string N upi

3.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

5. Withdraw: send_otp


5.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id

5.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

T description

name type remark
sessionId string otp session id

6. Withdraw: auth by otp


6.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id
sessionId string Y otp session id
otpCode string Y otp received

6.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

7. Withdraw: send auth sms (get the auth sms, then user should send it by manual or apps send it by automatic)


7.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id
phone string Y phone number

7.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

T description

name type remark
sessionId string sms session id
targetPhone string Phone no for receiving the auth sms
smsText string Text for sending

8. Withdraw: confirm sms auth success. (if user/app send the sms success, the endpoint would auth success.)


8.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id
sessionId string Y sms session id

8.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

9. Withdraw: get upi tool account's upi list


9.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id

9.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> String, upiID.

10. Withdraw: enable withdrawal


10.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id
enabled bool Y true for enabled, false for disable

10.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, 8001 is otp not authorized, 8002 is sms not authorized
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list<T> bussiness entity

11. Withdraw: create withdrawal order (the endpoint only support CARD withdrawal. UPI withdrawal just open the switcher, not necessary to call it.)


11.1) request body

name type necessary remark
collectionType string Y UPI/CARD, UPI for Upi, CARD for bank.
payAccountId string Y tool id
amount float Y withdrawal amount

11.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

12. Withdraw: deauthorize


11.1) request body

name type necessary remark
payAccountId string Y tool id

11.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

results matching ""

    No results matching ""