1. Dashboard pop announcement


1.1) request body

name type necessary remark

1.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data list bussiness entity

list item description

name type remark
id string Article ID
created int created timestamp
modified int latest modified timestamp
countryId string country id: IN
title string title of notice
content string content of notice
hrefs list/map key for text, value for href link
imageLink string optional, image link
sort int pop sort

2. Pop message read


2.1) request body

name type necessary remark
id string Y message id

2.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

results matching ""

    No results matching ""