1. Login


1.1) request body

name type necessary remark
phone string Y India mobile phone number
password string Y Password with md5 encrypted
brand string Y phone device brand
model string Y phone device model
manufacturer string Y phone device manufacturer
fingerprint string Y phone device fingerprint
osVersion string Y phone device os version
deviceId string Y phone device deviceId
gaid string Y phone device google advertise id
appVersion string Y app version

1.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

data description

name type remark
userId string user unique id
userName string username for login
token string token for access api

2. Forget password


1.1) request body

name type necessary remark
phone string Y India mobile phone number
password string Y Password with md5 encrypted
passwordConfirm string Y phone device brand
otp string Y phone device model

1.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

results matching ""

    No results matching ""