1. Dashboard withdrawal summary


1.1) request body

name type necessary remark

1.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T bussiness entity

data description

name type remark
enabled bool Current withdrawal switch status
todayWithdrawalAmount string Today total withdrawed amount
withdrawingAmount string The total amount of withdraw in progress include upi and bank tool
withdrawingByUpiAmount string The amount of withdraw in progress with upi tool
withdrawingByBankAmount string The amount of withdraw in progress with bank tool

2. Dashboard enabled/disabled withdraw


  • when current status is off, if you click the switcher, just toast confirm modal, and then click confirm button, should be redirected to UPI tool page.
  • when current status is on, if you click the switcher, call the api to disable withdrawal.

2.1) request body

name type necessary remark

2.2) response body

name type remark
success bool true/false
errCode string error code: 0 is success, Non-zero is error code
errMsg string error message when error code is non-zero
data T null

results matching ""

    No results matching ""